Five Things I Love

27 01 2008

1. Five consecutive sunny/frigid days in January.
2. Looking N-E-S-W and seeing mountains in every direction.
3. Seeing ice on Greenlake. Hoping to snap a pic of it tomorrow!
4. Being wrapped up in my down lap blanket watching movies.
5. Going on a date to see a movie with my hubby.

 Hope you guys had a great weekend! Happy Sunday night.



3 responses

29 01 2008

I like #5 the best. 😉

29 01 2008

No wonder you love it there. You make it sound so perfect. I’d love to see the ice on the lake. And snow.

29 01 2008

I tried to get out for a picture, but darn work got in the way! Oh, and there was 3 inches of snow on the ground…you can take the girl outta Texas….yeah, I’m not the most confident driver in snow and ice on steep hills.

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