The Monica Closet

10 03 2011

Admit it. You have one. A secret closet crammed full of disorganized insanity. It stresses you out, but you have it.


*hangs head in shame*

I’m the only one?

Hi, I’m Lpod. I have a Monica BASEMENT. Yeah. An entire floor of my house is disorganized piles of insanity. I have to walk past jump and teeter through it to do laundry (which is now every day, thanks CJ), to go to my car in the garage, etc. Our basement is actually beautifully finished and has a lot of daylight. But it is a furniture graveyard and box storage nightmare.

So, I’m confessing it to you all. You’re on the inside now. Now you have to hold me to my newest project: Transforming that nightmare into a cool playspace for carter joe.

It’s a 14×20 foot room with a fireplace tiled in neutral orangish tone tile and rust stained concrete floors (what? you can’t tell that through the clutter?).

I have a few chairs from Marmie (my mom’s mother) that need some repair and recovering. I’m working on that part right now. It will probably take me a couple of months to get the project finished, but I promise to keep posting updates (it’s the only way I’ll get it done)!

For now, I will leave you with the inspiration page I created for the room



3 responses

10 03 2011

You make me laugh! I think you messed the basement up for the picture. It was very organized chaos last time I walked through it.

10 03 2011

You are a very brave soul. I’ll be watching for updates. Perhaps that is what I should do. Post a picture of my 5 Monica rooms. why are they called that? Hummm should I do it or not?

20 03 2011
Aunt Sue

Monica room…named after the character on “Friends”—right? I recall the episode where her closet was exposed! Loved this post…made me laugh! Will look forward to future updates.

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